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Delphine Lebourgeois - new original drawing

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Delphine Lebourgeois - new original drawing

Delphine Lebourgeois recently created a new original drawing that was first shown at The Other Art Fair in October 2015. 

This large original drawing is sized at 70 x 100 cm and is a new departure for Delphine - a more 'Pop Art' piece with echos of the work of Henry Darger entitled Bang! Pop! Boom!  

Hand drawn using archival pen and watercolour inks, this piece sees Delphine's female characters killing superheroes, perhaps meaning the killing of performance and speed in order to revert to a childlike state where nothing is hurried and we are free to be ourselves. 

Delphine Lebourgeois always describes her own work as being very instinctive with many of the narratives she explores as being open to interpretation. 

This is a beautiful piece and deserves to be seen in person - for higher value works we make home visits.  

To arrange a viewing please contact Gina Cross : +44 (0) 7950 415422 

Delphine Lebourgeois Bang! Pop! Boom! - Gas Gallery